Thursday, October 8, 2009

thankful thursday

if you read yesterday's post, i think today's thankful thursday should be rather obvious!

today i am extremely thankful for all of you, my dear friends and family, who lifted up ryan, ben, and myself in prayer yesterday. what an amazing experience it was to feel those prayers and see them answered!! i can't say thank you enough!

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ben and i were able to take a little bit of video yesterday while ryan was getting the electrodes attached to his scalp. many of you have seen them on facebook, but i thought i'd post them here too, so that you could see a little bit of the process. and yes, that's max screaming. now see why i'm so thankful for your prayers?!

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what are you thankful for today?!


A day in the Life... said...

Glad it went well for you.
Poor max :(

Heather said...

Well, I could write a thankful Thursday post and just link it to yours. Hmmmm..... there's an idea! Thanks for talking to me for 2.5 seconds tonight, Ryry. And this just reminded me to pray for Max again. Love you!!!

Ace said...

What a cutie!

Sara @ Domestically Challenged said...

You've been in my thoughts all week! I am so glad it went well.

Ashley @ {Let Go, Laughing} said...

i am so thankful for you that everything went so smoothly!